There are five levels of Obedience Trialling – Community Companion, Novice, Open, Utility and Utility Excellent. Three qualifying scores 170 or more out of 200 are required to earn a Title at each level before advancing to the next. The exception is Community Companion Dog where three qualifying scores of 85 or more out of 100 are required.
Community Companion Dog (CCD). This is an excellent introduction to the more traditional style of obedience competitions for new handlers. Exercises required are heel on-lead in slow, normal and fast paces with sits, stands and downs; figure of eight, stand for examination. Recall with the dog coming to a sit position in front of the handler. One minute sit stay & two minute down stay.
Novice (CD). Heel off lead in slow, normal and fast paces with sits, stands and downs; figure of 8; stand for examination off lead. Recall. Optional retrieve of dumbbell on the flat or signal exercise. 1 minute sit stay and 3 minute down stay.
Open (CDX). Heel off-lead; figure 8; stand for examination; recall with a down; retrieve dumbbell on the flat ground then an optional retrieve the dumbbell over a jump or directed retrieve with two white gloves placed approximately 10 metres apart and 12 metres from the dog and handler, then the choice of broad jump or signal exercise; 3 minute sit stay; 5 minute down stay.
Utility (UD). Seek back lost article (retrieve article from within the ring by scent); speak on command or food refusal or directed retrieve of glove; scent discrimination; directed jumping; signal exercise; group stand for examination; 5 minute down stay.
Utility Excellent (UDX). Seek back with decoy, positions in motion, scent discrimination judges scent, directed send-away and recall, distance control, multiple retrieve, group examination.
How do I get started?
You need to be a financial member of the Dogs Queensland to compete in all trials. Download joining and membership forms from www.dogsqueensland.org.au
Rules for the Conduct of Obedience Trials is here: https://dogsaustralia.org.au/media/9696/9-obedience-01-01-2021-v2.pdf
Financial members of the Club are eligible for perpetual and title trophies at the end of each year.
If you are interested in learning or competing in Obedience Trials please ask an instructor for more information or Contact Us